Das Spiel ist toll, nur , ich weiß nicht wie man die Familie erweitert :/
Das Spiel ist toll, nur , ich weiß nicht wie man die Familie erweitert :/
Fixs it
I thought that this would be a great sim, but where is the jump button for starters, why does my fox start flying and head walking, where is the den, why can’t we run for more than 4/3 seconds, and why does it have a move control and a look control! The only thing I like about it is the forest at night, otherwise, 😡😡😡😡
Its an “Ok” game. However, its really buggy and you can easily tilt your fox and go out of control, like you can walk and you end up flying. Please put the den on the map. You also can get so big you cant even go out or in the den, you just glitch out. The controls are not good… i keep mispressing the turn button for the bite button. Please change that!! Also, can we have the option to play as our family members and customize them? Speaking of that… i really wish they would eat with you and fight with you.
Horrible awful stupid crap worst experience I’ve ever had and I will never ever again be on this game ever horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAMMEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER GET ITTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I’d give it no stars if I could but...)SHUT THE FRONT DOPR ABOUT THIS GET RID OF IT OR MAKE ONE CONTROL TO MOVE IT ALL AND MAKE IT EASIER AND MAKE THE FOX MORE REALISTIC ALL ANIMALS ACTULLY
Opened the app once. Couldn’t move
Hi I really lick it but can u fix the fox is looks a little bit weird 😩😭😭😭😭
So I just downloaded this game and when I just downloaded this I noticed that when I was running playing with my fox it started going up into the air and I couldn’t get down and every time I ran it did this so gluten free could you free please fix the game I love your games🦊
Glitches too much. Do not waste your money
I thought the game was good but then when I purchased it was bad, the map did not help me, Every-time I ran out of my den I flied,I could not find the farm and this was just a huge waste of money please fix this
This is double the price of the other sims and doesn’t work properly! Rip off!!
Every time I walk I fly
I know I like to get these games but every time I move and touch a tree it flings me up to the sky and I die I really hate it so plz fix it😥😤I liked wold of dragons 3 D because no glitches or hacks I really want this fixed plz I also want a fence fox simulator plz bosses I want cheetah and lion plz I dreaming about that like me having a pet baby fennec fox 😍💜💜💜💜💗😽💋plz get this glitch fixed remember on saber tooth tiger simulator I said is this a meralena? I still I DONT KNOW WICH ONE! Serealy I hate it i also plz on every game plz get a boss plz and but the ☠️stuff on there so I can fight it plz even on T. rex sim plz on evry single game plzzzz I love bosses plz make a wolf boss plzzz and on dolphin *funny my mate was in a cage serealy I cold not get her out i was fighting king➡️🦀⬅️** gosh
The fox ends up walking upside down. This is a horrible game
Okay, I need to list my review first.... OH! CAN YOU PLEASE FIX THIS GAME! The controls are hard to use plus the Fox looks weird. And please make a (PLEASE) ultimate sim where you are a wolverine first, a otter next, a skunk third, a opossum fourth, then a raccoon fifth, and a badger sixth! Please make the sim! You made games other people wanted and I loved them! There’s no doubt they won’t love my idea! PLEASE!!😓😓😓🦡🦡🦡 (by the way I don’t know the name of this family!) Thank you
What is this game? Like seriously terrible graphics hard controls and the trees don’t even have tops!? 🙄
I am having a lot of trouble controlling my foxes so they can be normal. I’m hoping you’ll have time to fix it PLZ DO IT! It would be great full.the game is good but on the other half of my mind ITS HORRIBLE! FIX IT! It would better 100! Mind: I hate this game. I have all the sims in this App Store and this is horrible then all of them!!!
Hi! If you made a how to train your dragon night fury simulator I would definitely get it and rate it 5 stars PLEASE make it and I will rate all your games five stars pls make it exactly like UltimateHorse simulator PLS RESPOND AND PLS MAKE IT!🙏🙏🙏
Can you do A. Cat. Simulator Hey bye bye I love you so much thank you 😊
Pls don’t ignore this it is miserable my fox keeps flying
iOS 11 updates have made it not work and I can’t open the app because of the lie that said ”this app needs to be updated” it works fine on my kindle though
I hate this game because the controls are very hard to use and I know I may sound mean but these controls are the worst please please please fix this!
I would really hope you guys would update this so I could play it because it’s really fun
Pls make a worriers cat simulator
I was kind of disappointed in this when I bought it, and I eventually got the Ultimate version anyways. Also, gluten free games, can you make a Rabbit simulator?
This game first of all has bad graphics. You used the same NPC from the wolf game you made. The controls are very heard and it's a waste of your time and money. 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼
I love this game! There is so many different things to do! I rate this five stars!
Because the map doesn't even help you, it need a show you where your mate is 😤😡
You can't fix into your den at level 50 you get glitches too much I'm not happy 😡
the controls are to hard and every time i see a fox they attack me i had to spend my money on that?!! it would be good if there was a heart on the map and you can follow it and its hard to get pups and mate so plz do fixing with the games because all the other games are awsome make it bettEr!!!!!😠😠😭😭😭Plz GlutenFreeGames I havent seen u do that on the other games yall make u trying playing it its like oppisite controls on Mario Tennis So If u dont But I HAVE heard other ppl put this complaint down its my leats favorite i would rather eats live worms then Play this game ive seen u guys do better my favorite is the new improved fox simulator but i am glad that u guys listened to the complaints and made a new one thank u 🤣😭🙁🤗
I like ultimate fox sim but I wrote a review- it needs fixing-so anyway FIX THE CONTROLS PLZ! Same with tiger sim. Also make an ultimate tiger sim plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg I was super exited😋 to get this app and it was a WASTE OF MONEY!😡 it looked super cool but in the end I was/am pretty sure there is NO FARM!😤 I was pretty 😭 to find this out and I don't want to disappoint you so whatever you do DO NOT BY THIS APP FOR YOUR'E OWN GOOD! I hope you read this and don't bye this app. I know it's disappointing😥 but DO NOT BYE THIS APP!😉
I have an idea for a new simulator: Warrior Cat simulator. I read some other reviews and lots of other people are asking for a warrior cat simulator. In the simulator you start out as a kit and you get to chose the first part of your name and the last part is kit. When you get to level 6 you be come and apprentice and the second part of your name becomes paw. Then when you get to a higher level like 20 or 25 you become a warrior and you get to chose the second part of your name. For example if the first part of your name was blossom then the second part of your name could be tail and then your name would be blossomtail. Then once you get to level 40 you become deputy but you don't change your name. Last when you get to level 50 you become leader and you change the second part of your name to star. And I almost for got you can chose your clan. The 4 clans are thunder clan river clan wind clan and shadow clan. Any way sorry if this is too hard to ,make but this would be the best simulator you made!!!
I just opened the app and I was shocked at the horrific graphics, I tried to move and it was really hard to move. Was not worth the money.
Look, the game is okay. I would NOT recommend it for those people who are looking for an "action" kinda game. I am not that person but the graphics aren't the best they could be and the controls are wonky, I like the game Ultimate wolf simulator but this could be a lot better.
Hi everyone. I would like some changes for the game please. I want you to be able to choose your gender because I think your male in this game I think that because my mate is smaller. I also want easier controls. That's all I want for this game. Bye!
It's really hard to hunt food and water and the controls are ridiculous.👺😡😒😤🐺
Why is it so hard to control? Plz make it to were the controls are easy to use. Also, plz make it to were u can walk! It is much more easy that way, and why is it so hard to find a mate?? I'm like OMG WHAT?? Where is the heart? It took me two days in real life to find one. Ps. I'd like it if u would make an unlimited fox simulator! Thanks for reading this! 🐺🐺🐺
It's just bad....it's not like other sims.... It's hard and confusing. It's 0.99 cents down the drain....I COULD HAVE BOUGHT A BETTER SIM THAN THIS CRAP.....just bad......DO NOT GET...PLZ.....don't fall for it......plz....
Can you change the controls to only one joy stick? And make your mate fight for you.
You need one control it would help a lot or I would rate it five stars is good but it is hard to control. And the animals are too big!!! And the mate can't leave the den so why is there a follow that's gust stupid so don't think I'm going to rate it above two stars please fix this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE make a ultimate fox sim please please please please please...I would love a ultimate dear simulator too. I would totaly get it. And please make anouter bird sim there is not enough flying sims
I got a mate and i crashed😔. And when I turned the game back on... My mate was gone i looked and look nowhere to be seen... 😭
Come on gluten free games I know you can make better games than this this and the eagle sim are the crappiest games y'all have ever have made and selling them for a dollar that's not acceptable all your other games are worth 1$ so that's why I buy them because their so freak en fun buy this and the eagle simulator is not fun the controls are so crappy and the graphics are HORRIBLE. Make this game better
Was this the first game ever?! You could of done better, gluten free games. I have several of gluten free games that are great, but this is junk. I paid for this with my own money! I was so exited to get this game because it looked really awesome and I love foxes. I imediatly played it when it was downloaded. I was super dissapointed. The controls are difficult, I mean, really!? One joystick for going forward and backward and a separate one for turning!? Where is the jump button? Why would you raise a family if all they do is walk around your den which isn't even on the map and eat your food? They don't even hunt with you and they are stupid and useless. The energy runs out too fast and the running bitten only lasts a second and a half. The foxes don't even look like foxes, either. The world is tiny and there is nothing to explore. You can't change the camera view or anything. The graphics are horrible, too. I would kill my fox family if I could, because they are selfish and lazy and a waste of food. I would give this game zero stars if I could. I wish the fox was much smaller the size of the mate. I wish the fox wasn't so powerful. But, I would give this game five stars if you would... Turn this game into ultimate fox simulator. I mean just restart all the work, but keep on the same icon because I doubt I will be able to get other gluten free games. Expand the world Make you able to customize the foxes, including size and gender Make the foxes come with you if you want them to. Better and more realistic graphics Different looking foxes Blood effects Shadows See further Settings Cameras: locked, free, and PO.V Toggle run Jump button Farmer to try to shoot you Bones do something Fox not super duper powerful like it is now I mean, just make the game like ultimate wolf simulator, which is an AWESOME game. I deleted this fox game, but if you turn this into ultimate fox simulator, I'd imediatly get it back and make a five star rating. And, please don't make ultimate fox simulator a separate game. Just transform this one.
Ok, it's not the best but I love it. Oh the controls are really hard oh and can you put the den on the map because I'm having a hard time finding it. Ok I'm gonna get back to my whole subject. Plz make a ultimate fox simulator cause I was thinking this game was extremely cool. So maybe you can start out in the middle of noware like all the other ultimate so and other sims. And of course pick your gender pick your name and your color. Then you find your bond and your den could be in a hole that's show able. And there could be 3 big enimes like a black bear. And a huge deer and a whole pack of wolves. Oh and plz make the controls like all the other ultimates. So this is all for now, chow :)
Personally, since I was a little kid I've loved animals and always wanted to be one. I have downloaded all of the animal simulators that I could find, and none of them are as great as the Gluten Free games! I think these are honestly amazing, the graphics are awesome, and its so realistic! I would definetly suggest getting this game!
I love foxes and I love the details in all but I don't like how you made two separate controls it is too hard to work and deal with pls make it just one and also can you pls make an Ultimate Godzilla simulator thx
I love this game when I first got it! But, since you've invented new simulators, I was hoping you could make an Ultimate Fox Simulator! Thanks!
Please make a ultimate fox sim and Bobcat sim
YA gluten free games not your best I can list it! 1. Walking so difficult! Why did you need to add that looking thing. 2. If you guys play life of wolf then you would notice the animals have been copied! And they are bad graphics! 3. No chickens! I looked in the pen there were none!
I only gave it a two star because I searched for 2 whole hours to try and find the den and my mate and I still could not find them😡and it is hard to control so people that made this game please make the den and the mate easier to find then I will give it a 5 stars. Thank You